
Posts Tagged ‘Bo Sanchez’

It all started six months ago when I was looking for a scratched paper to write on something I just need to make sure that I won’t forget, I can’t seem to  find one  when I stumbled upon a crumpled paper and I have no choice but to use it. I’m amazed to see what’s inside…it’s a gem of  great spiritual insights!  It then asked me that if I wanted to read more, I send an email to GodwhispersClub@gmail.com for subscription. I was so glad I did , I’m now regularly receiving a delightful Divine message  through that site. Something nice to remind me again each day , i’m blessed in many simple ways.

Then, God is really whispering. I came across the site of Bo Sanchez http://www.bosanchez.ph/ , he’s a bestselling author and a millionaire missionary. I liked it very much ( especially his tips on being financially abundant while being spiritually nourished…well, who wouldn’t want it? ) So I shared it to my sisters and just the other week, one of my sisters shared to me some of  Bo’s books she’s been gratefully reading for sometime.

Wow! this is how God whispers. (~_~)

What a blessed day!

P.S. I’ve included Bo’s website to my “Blessed Sites” You may check it out there.

Blessings! (~_~)

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